Enjoy the Serene Living lifestyle

“Enjoying My Best Retired Life” – Resident Happy Story

Some things are just ‘meant to be’, and resident Jeanette McLaughlin, feels this was definitely the case regarding her move to Serene Luxury Retirement Village 3 years ago.

Jeanette has been a Tweed local since retiring in 1990 and was one of the first people to view Serene on its grand opening. “I wanted to live somewhere with security, close to facilities, doctors, the hospital, dentist and shops.  Even though I do still drive, I also wanted to be close to transport such as buses and trains – I love my new home and its’ location”.

Leading an active social life as a regular face at Serene functions and get-togethers such as coffee catch up and Wednesday bus trips.  Jeanette says “living by myself, it’s lovely to come down every morning to have someone to talk to – the friendly staff and residents”.

As an avid traveller who loves the social aspects of Serene, but also the turn-key lifestyle that vertical apartment-style living affords her.  “The security allows me to continue to enjoy trips and Terry’s Tours, knowing my home is safe”.

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