Fitball for Fitness at Serene Living
Our residents are enjoying their new ‘Gentle Fitball Stretch” class at Serene Living. Sharon, our Lifestyle Co-ordinato..
Santa has come early to Serene Living!
With Stage One 75% sold out and the remaining brand new units selling fast, there's no better time to secure your apartment..
Have you seen our goggles?
It used to be the case that if you were looking for a new home you had to be prepared for a fair bit of driving and a lot of ..
Serene Retirement Olympics Eclipse Rio Celebrations
The closing ceremony of the Rio Olympic Games was always going to be a colourful one but for Serene, the excitement and co..
Retiring in Tweed Heads
Why Retirees Flock to Tweed Heads The Tweed Heads area, nestled at the southern end of the Gold Coast, has l..
Would you jump 12,000 feet?
Serene resident Ron Hodson did and loved it! It was a beautiful day on the Gold Coast, perfect for skydiving and celebratin..
ABC Radio Interview: Australia’s Largest Rooftop Garden
Joanne Dodgson from ABC North Coast spoke to Ben Fuller in 2011 about the construction of Serene Living's apartment complex a..