Enjoy the Serene Living lifestyle

Serene Residents Spinning Tales – and loving every minute of it!

Did you know that Serene Retirement Living has a ‘Short Story Writer’s Club” that meets every Tuesday afternoon at 1.00pm in the Residents Lounge?

How It Works

The idea is to try and write a short story each week on any subject that you can think of.  These stories can be serious, stupid, funny, or sad as long as they make some sort of sense!

The catch is, that your story has to include a list of between twenty and thirty random words.  A new set of words is provided each week.

The following week we read out to the rest of the group the stories we have written.  You may be surprised at how many totally different stories can be written on a variety of subjects but still include the same list of words.

It’s all just a bit of fun, but can be quite addictive and sometimes challenging.  So we invite everyone who may be interested to come along and listen to our stories any Tuesday, and if you would like to try and write one yourself, even if you have never written a story in your life before, you will be made most welcome.

Get an idea first…

By the way, the copies of our stories are kept in the library in a red folder in case you want to read some, to get the idea of how the process works.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Brian Waller – Serene Living Resident


Tuesdays at 1.00pm

Residents Lounge, Serene Retirement Living


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If you would like to find out more about Stage 2 at Serene Living, please contact us today.

You can speak with our Sales Manager Rebecca on (07) 5536 6820, or enquire online.

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