Tag: 50 and fabulous
“Enjoying My Best Retired Life” – Resident Happy Story
Some things are just ‘meant to be’, and resident Jeanette McLaughlin, feels this was definitely the case regarding her mo..
Benefits Of Tai Chi For Seniors
Who wouldn’t at least try an activity that is good for the body, mind and soul, that can be completed in as little as 10 to..
Serene Living – THE Lifestyle for Over 55’s
Pamela, like many younger retirees, decided to make a ‘lifestyle’ decision to move to Serene Living. (more…)..
Going Green – St Patrick’s Day the Aussie Way!
With St Patrick’s Day occurring on the 17th of this month, also known as ‘Feast Of Saint Patrick’, our Serene Living re..
The Three D’S – Downsize, De-Clutter, De-Stress CONTINUED…
Here are more of Serene Living Retirement's handy hints for 'The Three D's - Downsize, De-Clutter, De-Stress' continued from ..
The Three D’s – Downsize, De-Clutter, De-Stress
How much ‘stuff’ have you accumulated over your life thus far? You know, that ‘stuff’ that takes up space, that you..
Serene “Dream Team” Supports Local Community
Congratulations to the amazing "Serene Dream Team" Walking Group for their efforts in participating in the 2018 GC Marathon t..
Cheering On Serene Living Resident Nancy at 2018 Commonwealth Games
Serene Luxury Retirement Living was proud to cheer on one of their residents - Nancy Welch, as an official Baton Bearer for t..
Having an Abba Dabba Time!
Dust off your flares, don your headband and practice your dance moves… Serene Luxury Retirement Living has gone Abba-crazy!..
Aqua Aerobics – Fit and Fun!
While it is important to keep active and exercise at any age, seniors, in particular, need to find gentle activities that pro..
Happy Story – New Life, New Memories
Interview with Serene Living Resident - Ray Bussey, as featured in Australian Over 50's Lifestyle & Living Guide, Vol. 8 ..
Serene Residents Spinning Tales – and loving every minute of it!
Did you know that Serene Retirement Living has a 'Short Story Writer's Club" that meets every Tuesday afternoon at 1.00pm i..