Tag: retirement village Coolangatta
Retirement Village with Heated Swimming Pool
Our Onsite Heated Swimming Pool Serene Living has a heated lap pool and spa for our residents to enjoy. At Serene Retir..
Retirement Village with Sports Lounge
Our Onsite Sports Lounge Facility The Serene Sports Lounge - a favourite of the gentleman with all of the 'Big Boy Toys' a..
RECIPE OF THE MONTH: Courgette Galette With Manouri Cheese & Chilli-Honey Dressing
Perfect for a tasty lunch or as part of a spread at your next gathering! INGREDIENTS 200g mascarpone 100g crème..
SERENE SPOTLIGHT – Serene Sports Lounge
THE SERENE LIVING SPORTS LOUNGE This month highlights the Serene Sports Lounge - a favourite of the gentleman with all of ..
Recipe Of The Month – Chicken Alfredo Gnocchi Bake
This recipe looks fancy, is tasty and has only 10 minute prep time! What’s not to love! Ingredients 25g unsal..
SERENE SPOTLIGHT: Resident’s Lounge
THE SERENE LIVING RESIDENT'S LOUNGE This month highlights the Serene Resident Lounge - the home of 'Happy Hour' and a meet..
The ‘New Kid On The Block’ : Serene Resident Story
A huge welcome to the beautiful and bubbly, Maria - One of Serene's newest residents. Here she tells her story... Greeting..
Congratulations to $500 Serene ‘Name Game’ Winner!
$500 Serene 'Name Game' Winner - 'Serene Cuizine' Huge congratulations goes out to Ms Flora Christofferson, Winner of the ..
THE SERENE LIVING SUN LOUNGE This month’s ‘Serene Spotlight’ is on the ‘Serene Sun Lounge’ – THE Meeting Pla..
Hot Cross Buns Recipe
Just in time for Easter - Here is an easy-to -make treat for the whole family! Ingredients: Buns • 310ml warm milk (43..
SERENE SPOTLIGHT : ‘Serene Library’ – the spot of ‘Serenity’ at Serene!
The Serene Living Library This month's 'Serene Spotlight' is on the 'Serene Library' - the onsite Serene Living private ..
Keeping ‘Social’ When ‘Socially Distancing’
In such unprecedented times as the Covid-19 Pandemic, both here in Australia and Internationally, it is important to stay..