Tag: retirement village tweed heads
Retirement Village with Auditorium & Function Centre
Our Onsite Auditorium & Function Centre This month highlights the Serene Auditorium and Function Centre - A huge mul..
Retirement Village with Art Studio
Our Retirement Living Art Studio The onsite art studio creative hub at Serene for all of the budding artists, from beginne..
SERENE SPOTLIGHT – Serene Auditorium
THE SERENE LIVING AUDITORIUM / FUNCTION CENTRE This month highlights the Serene Auditorium and Function Centre - A huge ..
RECIPE OF THE MONTH -Brazilian Chicken Curry
Prep: 15 Mins Cook: 35 Mins 4 Servings Ingredients 3/4 cup coconut milk 2 tbs tomato paste 3 ..
SERENE SPOTLIGHT – Serene Art Studio
THE SERENE LIVING ART STUDIO This month highlights the Serene Art Studio - the creative hub at Serene for all of the buddi..
Recipe Of The Month – Chicken Alfredo Gnocchi Bake
This recipe looks fancy, is tasty and has only 10 minute prep time! What’s not to love! Ingredients 25g unsal..
Congratulations to $500 Serene ‘Name Game’ Winner!
$500 Serene 'Name Game' Winner - 'Serene Cuizine' Huge congratulations goes out to Ms Flora Christofferson, Winner of the ..
THE SERENE LIVING SUN LOUNGE This month’s ‘Serene Spotlight’ is on the ‘Serene Sun Lounge’ – THE Meeting Pla..
Hot Cross Buns Recipe
Just in time for Easter - Here is an easy-to -make treat for the whole family! Ingredients: Buns • 310ml warm milk (43..
SERENE SPOTLIGHT : ‘Serene Library’ – the spot of ‘Serenity’ at Serene!
The Serene Living Library This month's 'Serene Spotlight' is on the 'Serene Library' - the onsite Serene Living private ..
Beat The Heat This Summer!
Cool down this summer with these fruity raspberry and, mango and yoghurt popsicles. Easy to make and great for a sweet ..
‘Serene Quaran-Team Social Distancing Balcony Dance Party’
View this week's' Dance Party on YouTube Join in the fun from your living room each week with Sere..