Enjoy the Serene Living lifestyle

Serene Silver Surfers – Social Media for Over 55’s

Imagine being able to tell your 20-year-old granddaughter that you have more ‘likes’ and ‘followers’ on Facebook than she does!

Well, this is exactly what is happening at Serene Living, as we speak! 

Seniors Getting Their Tech On

We are very proud to announce that many Serene Living residents have recently taken the plunge into the exciting and modern world of social media. Welcome to our newest ‘Silver Surfers’ at Serene Living We are looking forward to seeing the fun and social network the residents create where they are free to share photos of events and activities, stories, reviews, how-to’s and so much more!

Not only will the residents be able to share with each other, but with family and friends who may wish to keep up to date with the goings-on at Serene Living.  We are so proud of the residents for embracing this age of technology, and can’t wait to see their posts!

It would appear that research has found Facebook is the most popular social network for the Over 50’s, as a report in the UK Daily Telegraph describes:


Meaning that not only is Facebook assisting with staying up-to-date with modern technology, but assisting with keeping the over 50’s socially present, active and engaged with friends, families, support groups, interests and activities.  We look forward to seeing what our beautiful residents have to share!

Follow Serene Retirement Living on Social Media for all the latest information and links to our informative blogs, competitions and all of the fun ‘Serene Scene’ photos and adventures:




If you would like to find out more about Stage 2 at Serene Living, please contact us today.

You can speak with our Sales Manager Rebecca on (07) 5536 6820, or enquire online.

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